Gilbert & Sullivan Society of SA
Union Hall
Until 26 May 2007

Review by Laraine Ball

Brimming full with color and movement this is a fitting way for G&S to celebrate their 70th birthday instyle, and director Barbara Turner has brought it to life in a charmingly traditional manner with a fewvery well received topical jokes and moves to add to the humor.

Recently married gondolier brothers Marco and Giuseppe’s lives are thrown into chaos when theydiscover that one of them, placed with the family at birth is actually nobly bred and the new King ofBarataria. There is a further complication as the “King” was also married at birth and his bride hasarrived with her parents to take her place as Queen. Ruling together the brothers transform the palacewith their ideals of equality whilst they await the arrival of their old nursemaid to tell them which ofthem is King.

Paul Talbot as Marco and David Lampard as Giuseppe play endearing and spirited brothers and despitebeing so different physically, make the most of their unison scenes together. Gemma Gibson as Tessaand Alexandra Stubberfield as Giannetta are lively and attractive as their wives.

Richard Trevaskis is a strong and gorgeously dressed Duke of Plaza Toro with an uncanny likeness to aToby Jug in all his fuchsia colored finery. Bev Shean sparkles mischievously both in character and attireas his wife the Duchess and Timothy Ide is brilliant, bringing a touch of menace to the stage as hemanipulates all in his wonderful guise as Don Alhambra Del Bolero.

Musical Director Ian Boath with his orchestra keeps the mood flowing at a sparkling pace from the startand guides the singers skillfully through the many varied tunes.

Ole Wiebkin’s set design looks terrific as the gondoliers home town market square and transformsmarvelously well into the palace pavilion for Act two.

Costumes coordinated by Bronwen Major and Wardrobe Mistress Anne Ide are wonderful, and everyonelooks bright and fresh. The palace costumes are especially fine and are a credit to them.

A wonderful joyous celebration of seventy years, may there be seventy more.