Adelaide Botanic Gardens - Noel Lothian Hall


-- Note this is an archived listing for performances in the year 2019 --

Gulliver was extraordinary; A renowned and enigmatic journalist, telling tales of strange and undiscovered corners of the globe and garnering worldwide attention. Journeying from the tiny towers of Liliput to the looming giants of Brobdignag, Familia de la Noche unravel the true story of Gulliver's Travels and the reality of a woman living in a man's world.

Using their highly visual style and pulling from their expertise in film, puppetry and story-telling, Familia de la Noche have created a contemporary, hilarious and heart-rending take on the Jonathan Swift classic.

"What it would be like to stroll through the inside of Tim Burton's and Terry Gilliam's minds." Such Small Portions.

Approx. Running Time: 60 minutes
Suitable for ages: Rated PG

Performance Dates:
-- Note this is an archived listing for performances in the year 2019 --
15 Feb to 3 March, 2019 (not Mondays) - 6pm
16, 22 - 23 Feb, 1 - 2 March - 2.30pm

Noel Lothian Hall

-- Note this is an archived listing for performances in the year 2019 --

Preview - 15 February - Full Price/Concession - $20
16 Feb to 3 March, 2019 - 6pm - Full Price - $26, Concession - $23, Bank SA - $20.75
16, 22 - 23 Feb, 1 - 2 March - 2.30pm - Full Price - $26, Concession - $23, Bank SA - $20.75