Tuxedo Cat
Until 10 Mar 2010

Review by Jamie Wright

An anger management class run by a deranged, shaven-headed giant who revels in the destruction ofelectronic devices. What could possibly go wrong?

The answer: a lot.

The work of writer/director Malcolm Sutton and featuring Peter Wagner (Levi), Kate Englefield(Samantha), Matthew Hein (David) and Craig Bradbrook (Thomas), it has a somewhat interestingpremise; there are, however, fundamental problems - most significant of which is the lack of a coherentscript. As a result, it devolves into a kind of underwritten free-for-all that the on-stage action can'tdisguise.

Despite this, it is not entirely without merit; the chaos - combined with the intimacy of the tiny, crampedspace - has a strangely hilarious cathartic effect, even if the laughter occurs at the same time as someincredulous head-shaking – and dodging of flying bits-and-pieces.

As a statement, this is probably at least twenty years behind the times; as a kind of visceral novelty, itmay suit the tastes of some.

This reviewer is compelled to point out there is a good chance audience members in the front few rowsmay well experience the (literal) fallout of the destruction.

Rating: 2.5 stars (out of 5)