Producers Hotel
Until 19 Mar 2017

Review by Brian Godfrey

It’s so refreshing to come across show titles that describe a show for one succinctly. “Half Hour Hamlet” is one glowing example – it is the story of Hamlet in half an hour.

Not possible, you say! Canadian actor Patrick Hercamp begs to differ and proves his point eloquently and hilariously in a show written and directed by Jeff McLane.

As a member of American comedy improv team Sound & Fury, Hercamp is very good – as a stand-alone performer, he is fantastic! That is if his performance in this piece is anything to go by. Hercamp never stops moving or talking. We are so enthralled by this actor’s physicality and linguistic dexterity that the half hour seems to fly by in ten minutes.

Yes, there is audience participation – but be not ye concerned, forsooth! Everyone is involved and you don’t leave the comfort of your chairs, sofas, whatever. And by the way, Hercamp demystifies Shakespearian language beautifully.

“Half Hour Hamlet” is basically a synopsis of the play, done very much tongue-in-cheek, without any sound and fury (oops, wrong Shakespearian tragedy, but a very nice plug for a certain improv group).

Even though the half hour is hilarious, Hercamp does treat the explanation of the famous Soliloquy seriously and with due deference.

This is just a fun Fringe show, so put your odd bodkins on and sally forth, good people, to see it.

Rating: 4.5 stars (out of 5)